понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

ford gt model kit

Lesson: You have to be careful sometimes about using verbiage like apos;worst case scenarioapos;.

I got a hint of this about a month (or so .. ? .. Iapos;m not keeping score anymore) ago when there was some grumbling about one of my invoices. But the ownerapos;s taken it into his head that they canapos;t afford two IT people again.

I havenapos;t gotten the axe yet, but I guess that possibility is yet one more thing I hadnapos;t considered.

Gregg hinted that I could go downstairs and ask for an office job: Thereapos;s other things I can do like answering phones or dispatching.

Nope, this has been my security blanket for 8 years. Itapos;s been the one thing thatapos;s allowed me to take everything for granted because I knew I could always fall back on it.

I wonapos;t burn this bridge. I wonapos;t be upset. I wonapos;t be afraid. But if Iapos;m asked to go, then so be it. I will change my telephone number, delete my AIM screen name, and whatever happens in the server room from there on out, Iapos;ll wish them the very best of luck with everything.

So. I said I wonapos;t make a career move until Iapos;m absolutely forced to.

It doesnapos;t help that things are already pretty grim even with work to do here. Not having any work to do ... Well, I can accept that as things working out however theyapos;re meant to right now.

Kept asking which door I should close, or whether I should just close both, eh .. ?

Ask a question, receive an answer: Even if it wasnapos;t always what you had in mind.

Iapos;m going to be more proactive though: I posted a resume on monster, but I am not applying for jobs. Either someone will call me with a gig Iapos;m suited for or Iapos;ll sell everything I own (including the truck and scooter) and this time I will not look back.

In the meantime .. Iapos;ll still .. Keep doing what Iapos;m doing, even though I think the work optionapos;s days are numbered. Iapos;m a "vendor" so .. Whenever they decide they donapos;t require my services .. :shrug: okay.
ford gt model kit, ford gt models, ford gt msrp, ford gt mustang.

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