SOOOO Iapos;ve been a pretty lazy bugger over the past few weeks. I havenapos;t been to the gym since Vegas, which is now like 6 weeks ago, so I finally kicked my own butt and got out of bed this morning and went for a swim before work. I now need to try and make sure I remember how good I feel now, so that itapos;s not just a one off occurance [nb itapos;s also nice to do something other than inking - as up until now Iapos;ve been inking for an hour before work in the mornings and when I get in from work :P)
Had to make some minor tweaks to the first page I sent through (the penciller didnapos;t like my heavy line weights... Oh well) last night, but other than that itapos;s all finished up and Iapos;ve started on the next page. Iapos;ve started trying to use my lunch breaks to sketch from life as Iapos;m not doing much pencilling at the moment (and I canapos;t afford to go to the life classes), so the other day I sat on the bench by the fields behind our office and did a quick sketch of what I saw (will upload photo when I get chance, havenapos;t got a data cable here) - itapos;s the first time I think Iapos;ve done it since I was about 16, and was quite an interesting experience. It goes against almost everything Iapos;ve tried to embed with drawing comics in that I wasnapos;t constructing and working out perspective et al, I was just drawing what I saw and trying to use wierd ways of holding the pencil for different techniques as opposed to the crisp sharp 3H line of comic pencils. Iapos;m looking forward to being able to go to the class a bit more now anyhow.
Charleneapos;s had a couple of interviews this week which *fingers crossed* bodes well, so hopefully we might be out of financial dire straits in time for Halloween.
Oh, in less interesting news, today I gained a mortal enemy - Moths. Fuckers have eaten through my favourite merino wool top in the draw. They must die
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