воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

disabled kid

Next weekend, will be the weekend before the exams begin. Its probably been about 2 months since I hunkered down to prepare for these damn exams.

Anyway, in anticipation of the exams, unsurprisingly, this weekend was very much about studying.

But it was also about doing all the equally important non-studying things in anticipation of the exams, such as:

1. Getting a massage. I could probably have waited till after the first paper to get one but by then my back would be a hopeless mess of knots and I would be half-paralysed by then, so I went to get a massage on Friday evening after class. The next massage will be either after the first or the second paper. Weapos;ll see.

3. House cleaning this afternoon. I cleaned everything on the assumption that I might not have time to clean the house over the next three weeks. I laid out my newly washed rug, tidied up the sofa, re-organised my notes, kept away all unnecessary stationery, etc.

4. Went to recce the exam venue in Tsim Tsa Tsui in the evening today. I wanted to be absolutely sure where the exam would be held. After all, thereapos;s no point in studying for these exams if in the end I canapos;t find the exam venue right? Just as well I went to check as TST mtr station is a bewildering mass of exits and just finding the right one took GV and I a few minutes. Once I figured out the quickest route, GV and I then went off to grab some dinner. Thankfully TST wasnapos;t that crowded but unfortunately the food wasnapos;t great. Doubt GV and I will be back to poke around anytime soon.

5. Got round to buying my tri books. Very excited about this. If all goes according to plan, theyapos;ll show up on my doorstep as the exams are finishing. Iapos;m hoping to be alot more organised about my reading next year and hopefully this will be a positive first step.

6. Almost decided on where Iapos;m going to stay in Goa. Usually Iapos;m not so indecisive about where to stay so I really donapos;t know whatapos;s holding me back. I really need to get this sorted some time this week as it turns out that Iapos;m heading there at a super peak period.

And now, Iapos;m going to go roll into bed. This week is going to be crunch time.

drinking game caps, disabled kid, disabled jockies fund, disabled jobs, disabled job veteran.

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